Should I Be Using Medical Grade Skincare?

Should I Be Using Medical Grade Skincare?

TLDR: Probably

But for those of you who like a bit more explanation, let’s dive into the topic of medical grade skin care and try to make sense of all the options out there!

When I talk to clients about initiating a skincare regimen, I usually hear a few common statements:

·      I don’t have enough time

·      I don’t know where to start

·      I probably won’t keep up with it

·      It’s too confusing

I can COMPLETELY relate to each of those because I’ve felt that way before too. There is so much skincare information out there that it can be hard to sift through it all and figure out what is best for you. The next thing you know, you’re lying in bed with a mayonnaise face mask hoping to erase wrinkles and not stain your pillowcase.

Sometimes it can be difficult to narrow down what you should be using, when, and in what order. And what about the cost? Is it worth the extra money to be buying professional/medical grade products? In this blog, I highlight the benefits to using medical grade skincare and hopefully make things a little more clear when it comes to all of your choices!

Medical grade skincare products will help you reach your goals

If you are looking for improvement of fine lines and wrinkles, discoloration, or texture then you want to be using products which are effective and will move you closer to your goals. Drugstore or MLM brands are probably fine if you don’t have any active skin issues, but if you are looking to improve your skin or treat any of the conditions mentioned above, medical grade skincare is the way to go!

While drugstore and MLM brands may tout similar ingredients, the potency of these ingredients is much lower and they typically do not contain the advanced delivery systems seen in medical grade products. This means that medical grade products give better and more consistent results due to the quality, potency, and technology they contain!

And since you will see improvement in your skin rather quickly, it is incredibly motivating to keep going. 

Medical grade skincare products come with a professional!

In my opinion, this is the most valuable part of medical grade skincare! Think of all the skincare products you have purchased in the past 3 years- how many of them have knocked your socks off? If you have an entire cabinet full of abandoned skincare products which either irritated your skin or didn’t work for you then you are who I’m talking to! Take the guess work out and let a professional make some recommendations. You will be shocked as to what a difference it makes!

When you purchase medical grade skincare at Even Esthetics™, you will have a skin assessment and thorough evaluation of your goals and preferences before products are suggested for you. You also get ongoing support to troubleshoot or answer questions along the way. There is a huge benefit to having a knowledgeable professional make recommendations about products which they stand behind and have experience with.

The best part is that you will leave with written instructions on how to use each product and in which order. No more guess work! It may feel overwhelming for the first night, but my clients find that it becomes second nature after the first or second day. And if any questions arise, you have a skincare professional to reach out to!

Medical grade skincare products are proven

I am often asked how I decide which products I want to carry at Even Esthetics™ when there are so many different lines to choose from. As a medical professional, I’m a big fan of data. It drives all of my decisions and skincare is no different! I choose products which are scientifically backed and proven to be both safe and effective. 

Research backed products mean that I am confident in recommending these products to my clients as I know they will work! I realize that asking you to invest in skincare can be a pricey request, which is why I am so careful to only recommend products that will make a difference in your skin. 

Medical grade skincare products contain high quality ingredients

Drugstore skincare products often tout ingredients which sound similar to those in medical grade products, but an important distinction is the quality of those ingredients. If there is not an adequate amount of the active ingredient, the product will not produce the results you are looking for. Another consideration is that medical grade skincare often contains advanced delivery systems which allow the active ingredients to penetrate more deeply or work more effectively. This translates into better results!

Ask yourself- how is your current skincare routine working for you? If you are using products which are not improving your skin, it’s time to consider medical grade skincare. I’d be honored to work through your goals and design a regimen you can be excited about! 

Drop in for a complimentary skincare consult at Even Esthetics™ by scheduling here. 


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