Under Eye PRF Injections: The All-Natural Way to Improve Your Tired Appearance


The under-eye skin is the thinnest and most delicate on the body, and one of the first areas that starts to show the signs of the aging process. These signs may show up as hollowness, darkened discoloration, fine lines, or thin sagging skin which leads to a tired and aged appearance. Improving the appearance of the under eye is a complex issue and usually takes more than one approach. Treatment options at Even Esthetics™ include creams, massage for lymphatic drainage, microneedling or collagen induction, dermal fillers, and my new favorite option: Under-Eye PRF injections

What is PRF?

Platelet Rich Fibrin, or PRF, is a concentrated liquid form of white blood cells, growth factors, and mesenchymal stem cells that comes from a simple blood draw. When injected in the under eye area, it can stimulate the formation of new skin cells, blood vessels, and collagen. This leaves your under eye area looking brighter and smoother which contributes to the appearance of being healthy and well rested.

What happens during the procedure?

Under eye PRF treatment is a quick and comfortable procedure! First, your blood will be drawn just like at a lab or your doctor’s office. Next, the blood tube is spun in a machine which separates the PRF from the rest of your blood. A small drop of numbing medicine will be injected onto each cheek to keep you comfortable and reduce the risk of bruising.  The PRF is then injected in the under-eye area using a micro cannula, which is a tiny straw like tool that glides through the tissue. You may feel mild pressure or tugging during the injection, but it is relatively pain free!

How much downtime should I expect?

Everyone responds differently to PRF injection under the eyes, but in general you should plan on mild swelling for 3 days after the procedure. While using a micro cannula greatly diminishes the risk of bruising, it is always possible to have some bruising after any injection, especially in the delicate under eye area. I recommend sleeping propped up on a few pillows and gently applying ice to the under eyes if swelling occurs.

What type of result will I see?

Over the next 1-3 months, the skin under the eye will become less dark, thicker, firmer, and smoother! The goal of injecting PRF under the eyes is to regenerate the skin to promote a more youthful appearance. While PRF is not a substitute for filler, it can give a fuller appearance temporarily.  I do recommend a series of 3 treatments spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart, followed by annual maintenance. The result is a brighter, more rested appearance with fewer fine lines and improved skin texture!

What are the benefits of using PRF instead of filler?

At Even Esthetics™, I use blood collection tubes with zero additives. This means that the treatment consists of a product entirely made by your own body, which also means a quicker recovery time and lower chance of side effects. Under eye filler is a powerful tool, but many people are not candidates due to their skin quality or underlying medical conditions. While PRF may not correct all volume related issues, it can provide a significant improvement in the appearance of the under eye. If filler treatment is appropriate for you, starting with PRF can strengthen the skin to improve the filler result. Further, PRF does not carry the long-term risk of swelling that can occur with filler placement. Since there are no additives, it is truly an “all-natural” treatment! 

If you are looking for a way to improve dark circles, thin skin, fine lines, or hollowness, consider using your body’s own regenerative properties to improve your under eye without the risks that accompany filler. Set up a consultation at Even Esthetics™ in Creve Coeur here to talk about your options! 

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