Even Esthetics™

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Aesthetic Recommendations by Decade

I am often asked what treatments are appropriate for a certain age, and the answer is that it totally depends on a number of different factors! People show signs of aging at different rates. Have you ever looked back at a picture from 1 or 2 years earlier and thought “wow! I looked so good back then, what happened?!”

I created this guide as a generalization for what types of aesthetic and anti-aging procedures you may want broken down by decade, but please remember these are just suggestions based on the average aging complaints I see. You may need more or less than what is suggested here!


Your 20’s are a perfect time to focus on prevention! 

  • SPF: An absolute MUST in this decade is a high quality sunscreen. The sun damage you get in this decade will come back to haunt you in the next few decades, so establish the habit of wearing a high quality sunscreen every single day!

  • Medical grade skincare: To keep your skin glowing and looking its best, a basic medical grade skincare regimen is a great thing to begin in your 20’s! You will continue to benefit from a quality skincare investment for years to come.

  • Enhancements: Clients in their 20’s may want to enhance or augment their features with filler. My most common requests in this age group are for lip filler and cheek filler! 

  • Chemical peels: superficial chemical peels are a great way to get your skin glowing and prep for


In your 30’s, the consequences of earlier sun exposure, hormonal fluctuations, and the natural aging process will begin to show.

  • Vitamin A: Building on the medical grade regimen you started in your 20’s should involve adding in a Vitamin A product (retinol/retinoid/tretinoin). This will help to increase your skin cell turnover and improve signs of aging. 

  • Botox/Dysport: You may start to notice deeper, etched in lines or more expression lines forming. This is the perfect time to dip your toe in the Botox pond! By treating these lines now, you will prevent them from becoming severe and requiring more aggressive treatments later in life.

  • Filler: In your 30’s you begin to experience loss of volume in the face, which contributes to a look of hollowness or flatness. Utilizing filler can help to turn back the clock and replace that lost volume.

  • Collagen induction therapy: Stimulate collagen production and slow down aging by getting semi-annual microneedling treatments.


Your fabulous forties are a time when your skin can lose its tone and show signs of laxity. Often sun exposure from earlier decades manifests as discoloration or uneven skin tone in this stage.

  • Skincare: the products you use at home are more important than ever before! If you are not utilizing medical grade products, this is the time to start.

  • Microneedling: Improve laxity on the face and neck by getting quarterly microneedling treatments. Collagen production continues to decline in this decade, so stimulating it by creating a controlled injury to the skin during the microneedling process can help to turn back the clock.

  • Botox/Dysport: Continue your routine treatments with your favorite neuromodulator during this decade. You may need to add additional treatment areas or increase dosing to achieve the best results.

  • Filler: Utilize filler to provide a structure and lift to support your tissue. Most clients will benefit from cheek filler in their 40’s, as well as some definition and support to the jawline.

  • Peels: Consider adding a series of medium depth peels (5 day downtime) every few years to help improve signs of sun damage.


Consistency is key in your 50’s as fine lines and wrinkles become more apparent. 

  • Botox/Dysport: It is now more important to stay consistent with your neuromodulator treatments in order to maintain the best results. I recommend treatments every 3-4 months.

  • Filler: replacing lost volume in the midface/cheek area will provide structure for the aging tissues. Many women in this decade choose to do a light “glazing” of filler to the lips to support them and smooth out those pesky lip lines that cause their lipstick to run.

  • Microneedling: Continuing quarterly microneedling treatments is the best way to preserve collagen production and keep the skin firm and tight. If you have not previously used plasma/PRFM to enhance then now is the time to start! PRFM will enhance your results and decrease your healing time!

  • Peels: Monthly Pro Peels are ideal to keep your skin bright and stay on top of any wrinkles which may pop up.

60’s and up

All of the above recommendations remain in your 60’s and later decades, but it is so important to tailor treatments to your individual needs. Treatments will depend on your goals, and what measures you have taken in your previous decades.

Even if you have never done an aesthetic treatment before, it’s never too late to start!

Absolutely everyone can benefit from a solid home skincare routine, so don’t hesitate to start your journey there.

I hope you enjoyed this guide and it gave you some things to think about and look forward to! Because everyone is an individual, obviously the best thing you can do is be assessed in person. Let’s sit down and discuss your concerns and goals so we can come up with the best plan for you. Grab a consult appointment online here.