How Ultrasound Can Improve Your Filler Experience

If you follow me on social media, then you know how excited I am to offer ultrasound at Even Esthetics™. I am not aware of any other aesthetic injectors who offer ultrasound to assess filler in the St. Louis area, and I am one of the first in the country to bring this exciting technology to my clients! Sounds cool and nerdy (totally on-brand for me) but you may be wondering what the heck an ultrasound has to do with getting filler.

How Ultrasound Can Improve Your Filler Experience

All of my clients (and pretty much anyone who will listen to me) know my obsession with safety is a real thing. Every choice I make for my practice is rooted in providing my clients with a safe experience. It is easy to get caught up in the fun of aesthetics and remember that these are medical procedures with real potential complications, so I make it my priority to implement layers of safety to protect my clients. 


Recently, ultrasound has gained popularity in the evaluation and treatment of filler complications. One of the major risks associated with filler is that the gel-like filler could potentially be injected into a blood vessel, causing it to become clogged and stop blood flow. This could potentially lead to blindness, stroke, and loss of skin tissue. While there are reversal agents to help dissolve the filler, it can be difficult to know exactly what area needs to be treated with the antidote which results in a lot of guessing and hoping for the best. But what if you could visualize the blockage and inject the antidote precisely where it is needed? Enter ultrasound! A high frequency ultrasound in the hands of an experienced clinician can help to improve the outcomes of filler related emergencies. While I hope I never need to utilize my ultrasound in an emergency situation, being prepared is a must.

Treating Non-Emergent Filler Complications

 In addition to acting as a safety net in an emergency situation, ultrasound provides a visual under the skin which can assist the provider in determining how to best treat you. If you have had filler placed previously and are unhappy with the outcome, I can utilize ultrasound to examine your filler and its placement. Some non-emergent filler complications could include:

  • Filler Migration

  • Swelling

  • Lumps and bumps

  • Asymmetry

At Even Esthetics™, I can use my high frequency ultrasound to visualize your previously placed filler, and determine why it may be causing an unwanted outcome. Without ultrasound, the injector would inject the dissolving agent using touch and appearance to guide them. With ultrasound, this process becomes more precise as we can visualize the actual filler in the tissue and place the dissolving agent in a very precise manner.

Sometimes we may assume that filler is causing one of the complications, when there could be other causes. By getting ultrasound images of the areas of concern, I can ensure we know exactly what is going on with that area. Ultrasound helps take the guess-work out!

Better Results 

I am most excited to be using ultrasound to improve the precision of filler placement! I have studied facial anatomy in depth (including cadaver courses) but we still only know where certain structures “should” be. We are human beings and variations are absolutely possible, which is why using ultrasound to visualize high risk structures will give me a precise look at these in each individual. By eliminating a lot of guess-work, I can more efficiently and effectively offer clients a safer treatment with better results. Preventing a complication is a whole lot better than treating one!

If you have been on the fence about filler, I’d love to sit down and offer you a personalized consultation to determine what treatment would help you best achieve your goals. And if you’ve had filler before but the results were not what you had hoped for, I encourage you to come into Even Esthetics™ and have an ultrasound evaluation.

Read more about filler treatment here.

Schedule your appointment here!


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