2022 Skin Resolutions
Katie Patel Katie Patel

2022 Skin Resolutions

The beginning of a New Year often brings the feeling of a fresh start. If one of your resolutions for 2022 is to improve the health or appearance of your skin, then this blog is for you! Here are five resolutions that may help you achieve your skin goals in 2022.

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Don’t Be Thirsty: Ditch Your Moisturizer
Skincare Katie Patel Skincare Katie Patel

Don’t Be Thirsty: Ditch Your Moisturizer

Dry skin is a very common complaint that many of my clients struggle with, especially this time of year. But sometimes the things you are using to help are really making things worse. Let’s dig in deeper to understand the difference between hydration and moisturizing, and I’ll tell you my favorite products and treatments to battle the dryness!

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Pack Your Bags: Let’s Talk Under Eyes!
Filler Katie Patel Filler Katie Patel

Pack Your Bags: Let’s Talk Under Eyes!

I get frequent messages asking what treatment I recommend for the undereyes, so I thought I’d break down the different types of treatments I offer to help improve the eye area. Unfortunately, there is no cookie cutter answer for the “best treatment” but the good news is that I can customize a treatment plan for you.

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