2022 Skin Resolutions

The beginning of a New Year often brings the feeling of a fresh start. If one of your resolutions for 2022 is to improve the health or appearance of your skin, then this blog is for you! 

Here are five resolutions that may help you achieve your skin goals in 2022:

Wash your face twice a day

This is a big one! If you aren’t doing this already, washing your face twice a day is one of the quickest ways to see an improvement in your skin. A lot of your skin’s “remodeling” process happens at night. If you are skipping the bedtime face wash, you are missing a huge opportunity! 

I too, am guilty of caving in to the call of my warm cozy bed and the temptation of skipping my PM skin routine. The best workaround I’ve found for this is to wash my face before I’m completely relaxed for the night (aka glass of wine and watching the Housewives). This has the added benefit of allowing some of my thicker products to fully absorb before my head hits the pillow.

Use SPF daily

Almost daily, I have a client who tells me that they don’t use SPF every day. Either they feel it’s not necessary, or sometimes they think the small amount in their makeup is adequate.

I’m here to tell you- SPF is the MOST IMPORTANT SKINCARE PRODUCT

I know there are a lot of “but’s” with this one:

But I never go outside

But I hate the feel of sunscreen

But it’s in my makeup/moisturizer already

But I wear a hat

No, girl. You need sun protection. Sun exposure does not happen just from being outside. If you have windows in your house or car, you need sun protection. 

Hats are great and an awesome extra layer of protection, but they are NOT a substitute for using SPF!

SPF 15 in your makeup is not adequate sun protection. Moisturizers with SPF are not doing both things well… moisturizers need to penetrate deep down into your skin to adequately hydrate (you can read more about my opinions on moisturizers and skin hydration here), but you need an actual sunscreen to sit on top of your skin and protect it.

If you hate the feel of sunscreen, you are not alone. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to wear it, it means you haven’t found the right one for you yet. I carry 6 different sunscreens at Bevel Up Skin Bar, and I’m happy to work with you to find a sunscreen that you LOVE to apply! If you love to apply it, you will be more likely to put it on every day. After all, it does you no good if your SPF never leaves your bathroom cabinet.

Try something new

Maybe you have been using the same products for years and are just feeling blah about your skin. Maybe your current regimen isn’t really working for you. Or maybe you are interested in taking your skin to the next level! If your resolution is to open your mind to new possibilities, consider applying that to how you approach your skin. If that forehead wrinkle has been driving you crazy, consider jumping on the Botox train! If you have acne scars that you are constantly covering with makeup, consider a series of microneedling treatments. If you are sick of seeing tired eyes in the mirror, come check out under eye PRF! 

If you have never used a Vitamin A product before (retinol, retinoid, tretinoin), I would encourage you to try one! You will see an improvement by February or March if you start now.

If you want to try something new but aren’t sure where to start, consider coming in for a complimentary skincare consult. I would love to sit down with you and make a plan!

Make time to care for yourself (and your skin!)

Self care comes in so many different forms. For me, some of the traditional “self care” activities stress me out. I can’t seem to relax at the nail salon and my old favorite past time of shopping is no longer relaxing or fulfilling. In this season of my life, (perpetual hotmess and momma of 3 littles) the 3 minutes it takes to wash my face in the morning and evening counts as self care. I truly do feel better once I have completed my skin routine, and I bet you will too!

Maybe your self-care will look more like coming in monthly for a no downtime peel, or keeping up with your quarterly Dysport appointment. 
Whatever your self-care looks like, I hope you carve out some time for it in 2022!

Be kind to the person you see in the mirror

This is a good one for everybody! I know how easy it is to look in the mirror and be hyper critical of every line, spot, or bulge. And perhaps this sounds odd coming from someone who spends her days doing facial aesthetics, but here it goes anyway: You are flawless! Nobody cares about that line or spot on your face. They love you for you!

Be kind to your reflection and appreciate the positives. Let go of perfection because that is an illusion. If something bothers you, fix it! But just remember that your worth is not defined by the lines around your eyes or a couple extra dark spots on your cheeks.  

I wish all of you a happy and prosperous 2022, and I’m here to support your skin goals in any way I can!


5 Ways to Refresh Your Skin This Spring


Don’t Be Thirsty: Ditch Your Moisturizer