Don’t Be Thirsty: Ditch Your Moisturizer
Skincare Katie Patel Skincare Katie Patel

Don’t Be Thirsty: Ditch Your Moisturizer

Dry skin is a very common complaint that many of my clients struggle with, especially this time of year. But sometimes the things you are using to help are really making things worse. Let’s dig in deeper to understand the difference between hydration and moisturizing, and I’ll tell you my favorite products and treatments to battle the dryness!

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ZO 3 Step Peel: Shed the Dead
Skincare, Peels Katie Patel Skincare, Peels Katie Patel

ZO 3 Step Peel: Shed the Dead

A lot of the treatments and products I provide require a bit of patience to see the amazing result at the end. We all know that the long game is the most important, but if you’re like me then sometimes instant gratification wins out. Who doesn’t love quick and dramatic results? If that’s you, then read on to learn more about the ZO 3 Step Peel!

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