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ZO 3 Step Peel: Shed the Dead

A lot of the treatments and products I provide require a bit of patience to see the amazing result at the end. We all know that the long game is the most important, but if you’re like me then sometimes instant gratification wins out. 

Who doesn’t love quick and dramatic results? If that’s you, then read on to learn more about the ZO 3 Step Peel!

 If you want to know more about chemical peels in general, check out this blog post I wrote as an Intro to Chemical Peels! Today, I want to take a deep dive into my “spiciest” peel: the ZO 3 Step Peel. 

What is the 3 Step Peel?

The 3 Step Peel is a highly effective medical peel used to treat:

·      Melasma

·      sun spots

·      enlarged pores 

·      rough texture

·      signs of aging

·      and even acne! 

This peel uses a blend of chemical exfoliants including TCA, glycolic acid, and salicylic acid to get rid of dull, old skin. What makes this peel stand out from other chemical peels is the high potency retinol that is applied next. This retinol (Vitamin A) is used to stimulate the skin to turn over new, healthy cells. 

I call this “spicy” on my salsa scale and recommend this peel during months with lower sun exposure (fall, winter, spring). This peel will give you quick and dramatic results which satisfy that need for instant gratification!  

Who is a candidate for the 3 Step Peel?

Anyone looking to minimize discoloration, improve their overall texture, diminish pores, calm acne, or reduce signs of aging. This peel is not considered safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women. 

The biggest thing to consider when scheduling the 3 Step Peel is downtime. Plan on 7 days from the date of your peel until your skin returns to normal. For most people, the bulk of the peeling is from days 3-5 but this can vary slightly. More on the actual peeling in a second!

What happens before the peel?

Prior to having the 3 step peel, clients should condition their skin with a medical grade retinol for at least six weeks. Clients with darker or multi-ethnic skin tones can safely do the 3 step peel, but it will require a longer period of pre-treatment with retinol. The preconditioning step is vital to ensuring a great and safe outcome, so it cannot be skipped. 

3 to 4 days before the procedure, clients should stop using Vitamin A products (retinol/retinoid/tretinoin) and acids (AHAs, BHAs). The skin should be completely healed from any aggressive or ablative procedures including IPL, lasers, or microdermabrasion. Clients should avoid waxing and laser hair removal for 7 days before the procedure.

What is the procedure like?

The 3 Step Peel procedure is pretty quick and easy! When you arrive, we will ensure that you have followed all of the pre-procedure instructions so that we can proceed safely with the treatment. You should arrive to the appointment with a clean, make-up free face. Next, your skin will be cleansed and prepped for the peel. The peel is applied over a few minutes and you will feel a warm/hot sensation during the application process. I will give you a hand held fan for your comfort, and you are free to fan yourself during the application. Once the peel solution is applied, I will apply a packet of retinol and rub it in thoroughly. The last step is application of hydrating crème which is a soothing and calming.

Typically, patients are in and out of the office within 30 minutes for this peel. When you leave, your skin will have a mild yellowish tint from the products applied.

Peeling on Day 3.

What happens after the procedure?

After the 3 Step Peel, you will not have any sunscreen applied, so it is important to stay out of the sun at all costs. You will wash your face with a gentle cleanser and apply Hydrating Crème (sent home with you on the day of the procedure). The morning after your peel you will also apply the second packet of the high potency retinol to complete the stimulation process. 

Clients should avoid extreme heat, strenuous exercise, and sweating until the skin is fully healed. Usually the bulk of the exfoliation happens on days 3-5 with skin fully healed by day 7. When the skin exfoliates, you may see sheets and flakes of skin peeling off of the face. It is SO important to leave this skin alone. DO NOT PEEL THE SKIN OFF!!! If you are a picker or puller, this may not be the peel for you- you have to promise not to pull this skin off because it could cause skin damage and hyperpigmentation. If you have large sheets of skin, it is ok to trim these with a clean nail scissors, but Don’t. Peel. It. Off!

During the healing process, it is normal to experience redness, stinging, itching, and mild swelling in addition to the expected flaking and peeling. Everyone experiences these symptoms at a different intensity, but most of my clients report a very tolerable healing process.

Once the peeling is complete and the skin is fully healed, you can go back on your typical product regimen. I often recommend these peels in a series of 2 to 3 if you are looking to make huge changes in texture or discoloration. The peel can be repeated monthly until we reach your goals, then I recommend repeating the 3 Step Peel every 6 months to ensure results are maintained. 

Are you ready to “shed the dead” and get your best skin ever? Click here to book!