The Even Lift

How to look like the best version of yourself… with The Even Lift!

Have you ever come across a photo of yourself from 5 or 10 years ago and thought “Damn! I looked good back then!”? This is the goal of The Even Lift - to restore the features that you used to love about yourself, or to subtly enhance features you’ve always wished you had.

You may have heard of a liquid face lift before and wondered how a gel filler could make you look thinner, less tired, or just better. Today’s blog is meant to share the wonders of filler, and give you a glimpse into how this strategically placed gel can polish your entire look!

What is The Even Lift?

The Even Lift is a filler treatment exclusive to Even Esthetics™! It is meant to give your face a refreshed, polished, contoured look. Basically, I want you to look like the best version of yourself, but without looking like “you’ve had work done”.

For The Even Lift, I sprinkle small amounts of filler in strategic spots all over your face. The areas injected are customized to each client and targeted to focus on the areas you want to improve most. I have developed The Even Lift using a combination of techniques learned from the industry’s top trainers all over the world! I take the best of the best and put it all together for you- to give you a natural and balanced result.  

Who is a good candidate for The Even Lift?

The Even Lift is NOT a surgery and will NOT produce a surgical result like a face lift. It is ideal for clients with mild to moderate signs of aging. These may show up as a “tired” “sad” or “flat” appearance. The Even Lift is an ideal preventative and maintenance treatment for those looking to have a subtle but impactful “refresh” on their overall appearance.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are not a candidate for dermal fillers, and if you have an uncontrolled autoimmune disorder or take blood thinners, you should speak to your injector before proceeding with filler treatment. 

Why not treat each area specifically?

While it is common in the aesthetics industry to zero in on one feature (cheeks for example), it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. The impression our face conveys is not due to one isolated area, so why would we treat an area by itself?

Instead, I like to focus on the overall balance and harmony of the face. When we augment one area, typically another needs a little somethin’ somethin’ to remain balanced. Further, when you sit in my chair and point to the line that is bothering you, it is very rare that I will put filler directly into that spot. I will first try to treat the underlying cause of the line by giving structural support in key areas. This is how I achieve natural looking results and keep you looking like yourself! 

Many clients are often surprised by the injection areas I suggest. This is because aging is a complex process, and in order to treat it effectively you must have a deep understanding of facial anatomy and how we age. Luckily for you, I am a nerd who never stops learning and trying to perfect my craft. This equals beautiful, subtle, and natural results. The goal is not to change what you look like, it is to give you that well-rested, refreshed, vibrant look of a woman who just spent a month on a private island with a butler (or at least a woman who gets 8 hours of sleep).

How much filler are you going to use?

A LOT. Just kidding! If you are new to filler, or have previously only had small areas treated, it is going to sound like a lot of filler, but I promise you it’s not! For the full Even Lift, I typically use 3-5 syringes of filler. Think of it like this- 5 syringes is only 1 teaspoon! Consider that spread across your entire face and it’s really not much. The exact amount I use will depend on a few factors:

  • Your budget

  • Your volume loss

  • Your desired outcome

I will discuss each of these in detail during your consultation! I will recommend what is needed for full treatment, and choose which type of filler will give you the best result (and it may not be the same type that your bestie had!). 

How long will my result last?

This is a common and important question with an answer that is clear as mud: it depends. Filler is broken down naturally by our body, some people break down filler quicker than others. In addition to your own metabolism, the amount and type of filler used can impact the longevity. My typical recommendation is for clients to receive a Even Lift once a year to provide a strong foundation and counteract the aging process that occurs during that time.

What is the recovery time like?

Another super important question with a clear-as-mud answer. It depends on the person! Everyone’s recovery process is a little different, just as everyone has a different pain tolerance. In general, the recovery process is easy! Plan to be swollen and sore for about 3 days, although it can take up to 2 weeks for the filler to completely settle. Bruising is always a consideration, and any time we use a needle to break the skin, there is a risk of bruising, I do use techniques and tools to minimize bruising as much as possible, but plan on the possibility of bruises for up to 2 weeks. These are typically very minor and easily covered with makeup.

OK, I want to know more, what do I do next?

The first step is to schedule a complimentary consultation. During this consultation, we will discuss your concerns and goals in depth, come up with a plan for you, and answer any questions you may have. Once you are sure you want to proceed, you can secure your spot on the schedule! Plan on the filler appointment taking 90 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the extent of work we are doing. 

You will need to sleep on your back or in a recliner for at least 3 days, and you will need to avoid certain medications and vitamins. Keep in mind the possibility of bruising and do not schedule your Even Lift within 2 weeks of big events, pictures, dental work, chiropractor or massage appointments. Currently, I recommend waiting to have filler for 2 weeks before or after receiving any vaccine.

If you have questions regarding The Even Lift or any service at Even Esthetics™, please don’t hesitate to contact me! I highly encourage you to come in for a complimentary consultation so we can come up with a custom plan for you!


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