Start Here: The Power of a Consultation

At Even Esthetics™, we LOVE consultations! I’m always encouraging people to come in for a consultation, but many wonder what goes on during a consultation. This blog will take you through what a consultation at Even Esthetics™ looks like!

You should come in for a consultation if…

· You are considering filler

I like to do a consultation on any client who is wanting to schedule a filler appointment. It is very important that you understand the downtime, healing process, and aftercare instructions before actually scheduling your appointment for treatment. We will discuss your goals and what type of improvement you can expect. Sometimes I suggest alternative treatments because filler isn’t always the answer! I also like to make sure the cost is clear so there are no surprises on treatment day. 

· You aren’t sure where to start

If you are new to aesthetic treatments, a consultation in the best way to start. We can sit down and discuss your goals and how you can achieve them! I can formulate a multi step plan for you to help you budget and plan for future treatments.

· You need skincare guidance

A consultation doesn’t always have to be about procedures- we love to talk skincare too! At Even Esthetics™, we carry a wide variety of medical grade skincare products so we can recommend the absolute best products for your concerns and preferences.

· You want to interview your injector

I think this is one of the most important reasons to come in for a consultation. I want my clients to feel confident in my abilities as well as feel that we are on the same page aesthetically speaking. Each injector has a unique style and aesthetic, so it is important to know your style matches with your injector. There is a huge element of trust involved with allowing someone to do a treatment on your face, and I think sitting down for a friendly conversation beforehand helps to establish that trust.

What should I expect during a consultation?

A consultation is a short appointment to discuss ANYTHING you want! Typically I will take pictures to store in your medical record first. I know everyone hates this part, but they are so helpful to look back on later! Then we can sit down and chat about whatever brought you in. Sometimes you come in wanting to talk about filler and leave with a new sunscreen, but that’s the beauty of being able to sit down and talk things out in person! It gives you the opportunity to get professional advice on how to reach your goals rather than just guessing at what treatment you should schedule.

Often I make multiple recommendations during a consultation. I love to write these down for you so you have something to look back on. I usually share a LOT of information in a short time, so having a written reference helps! 

Sometimes after our consultation, the client is 110% sure about what they want to do next. If that’s the case I can get you scheduled right then. But for many of my clients they want to absorb the information given and think about it. That’s perfect! You have the opportunity to go home and process all of the information discussed during your consultation before committing to a next step.

Is there any obligation with my consultation?

NOPE! Your consultation is strictly an informative recommendation session tailored specifically to you. There is zero pressure to schedule a treatment or purchase anything during your consultation. In fact, I love when clients go home and consider their options before booking! I want you to be comfortable and confident in the treatments you choose, so take all the time you need.

How much will my consultation cost?

At Even Esthetics™, consultations are always complimentary. Your time and my time are both valuable, but before embarking on an aesthetic journey with me I want you to feel confident that you have chosen the right provider. Maybe during the consultation we figure out that I’m not the right provider for you (because you need a surgical option or you want a different aesthetic than what I can provide). In that case, you don’t have to feel pressure to follow through with a procedure because you haven’t been charged a fee. I can even make referrals to other providers where appropriate!

To schedule your consultation, hop online and grab a time that is convenient for you! I can’t wait to sit down with you and figure out how we can meet your goals!


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