Even Esthetics™

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Your Even Esthetics™ Fall Aesthetics Guide

The air is finally getting a bit cooler here and it’s time to break out all things Fall! You’ve transitioned your wardrobe, switched to hot coffee (well not me- cold brew is life!), and decorated your front porch with mums and pumpkins. But have you transitioned your plan for your skin?

For clients who I see regularly, I’ve probably given you a plan which includes stepping up treatments in the fall. The reason fall is the best season to step up skin care and procedures is because our sun exposure declines during the fall months. This makes it an ideal time for products and procedures which require avoiding the sun. We can also focus on reversing any sun damage that you may have gotten over the summer months. Even when you do your best to wear SPF and avoid sun exposure, most of us end up with a bit more color than we’d like at the end of the summer months.

Fall Aesthetics Guide

Here are my favorite treatments to focus on during the fall months:

BBL Photofacial

I’m sure you have heard me talking about BBL non-stop because it is JUST. THAT. GOOD. BBL is the ideal way to reverse any sun damage you acquired over the sunny summer months. This light based device will act as a magnet to pull your pigmentation to the surface of your skin so you can exfoliate it off! Not only is this extremely gratifying but you will be left with a smooth, even skin tone and shave years off your appearance!

If you don’t have any sun damage to reverse, BBL is a fantastic way to give your skin the boost it needs to look younger, healthier, and more vibrant. I love BBL as a preventative, anti-aging strategy and it is actually a very well-studied and proven treatment to contribute to anti-aging! If you haven’t chatted about BBL treatment with me yet, please reach out so we can determine if it is right for you! You can read more about BBL magic here.


Fall is known as Peel Season for good reason- chemical peels are fantastic ways to freshen up your skin and shed the damage. The most effective way to do this is with the ZO 3 Step Peel. With this peel your skin will shed the top layer so you should plan for 5-7 days of downtime. Typically a series of peels will yield the best results, so aim for 2 to 3 of these treatments before the sunny months come back around! And don’t forget, this peel requires 6 weeks of preconditioning with a clinical strength retinol/vitamin A product. If you want some progress in your skin but can’t do the downtime, consider coming in for monthly AphaRet Professional Peels! These no downtime peels will reveal bright and beautiful skin with plenty of glow! Click here to learn more about these peels!

Skin Hydration

The transition to cooler, drier weather can also mean that it is time to step up your skin hydration efforts. If you feel your skin getting that tight, dry feeling throughout the day then consider changing up your skincare. My favorite skin hydrator is the Even Esthetics™ HA-7. If you haven’t tried it yet, you are missing out! Just steer clear of the thick “moisturizers” which can end up making your skin more dry in the long run. For more on functional hydrators vs. conventional moisturizers, click here.

Think ahead to holidays

Early fall is the perfect time to plan out your treatment strategy for the holidays. If you want your skin to look its best, consider scheduling your appointment for neuromodulator (Botox/Dysport) right away. As the holidays get closer, appointments book up quickly and you don’t want to miss that tox appointment! If you are considering filler, starting in the fall is ideal to ensure that any swelling or bruising has subsided before those big holiday events!

I’d love to see you in the office and help come up with a fall re-set plan for your skin. Book a consultation or your favorite treatment here!