7 Lip Filler Myths and FAQ’s


Lips are one of my most favorite areas to treat because I enjoy the precision and artistry involved, but mostly because I love watching my clients walk out with a huge boost of confidence!

Lips are one of the most misunderstood treatment areas, however, and I wanted to take this opportunity to clear up some myths and share some fun facts about lip filler. If you have questions I haven’t answered here please reach out! I’d love to chat.

7 Lip Filler Myths and FAQ’s

Let’s dive in to some of the questions and concerns I commonly hear:

 1. I want fuller lips but I’m scared that I will look unnatural or “ducky”.

 This is probably the most common concern I have heard from clients. Unfortunately, there are many “botched” celebrity lip jobs out there which have given lip filler a bad name. I love to reassure my clients that lip filler can look completely natural and subtle! I have filler in my own lips, and most people wouldn’t know unless I told them.

If you have seen people walking around with “duck lips” or “sausage lips”, don’t let that scare you off. The most important thing is to find an injector you trust (see #7 below)! I specialize in a natural approach to lip augmentation and will never give you the duck or sausage lip.

After a thorough consultation and discussing your goals, I will help you understand what we can achieve with filler for your unique face! I can plump and enhance the lip, improve asymmetries, and change the shape of your lip (to some degree). But this is all based on the anatomy you start with. I will always ensure that your expectations and my promises are realistic and that we are both on the same page. 

Even if you don’t want a huge change to your lip shape, a bit of filler can give your lips a plump, hydrated look with even a hint of color! That means we can take your raisin lips back to the grape lips you used to have or always wanted. Because the type of filler I use pulls in water, it will give your lips a hydrated look, and who wouldn’t want that?!

We do not have to use the entire syringe of filler in your lip area. I can always find somewhere to put a few drops of filler so we don’t waste it! If you are looking for a fuller lip and need more than 1 syringe of filler, I will have you come back for another session after your first syringe of filler. This ensures proper healing, decreases the risk of migration, and ensures you have the best possible outcome!

2. Is it going to hurt?

Pain is a real concern for those considering lip filler, and it can be a huge barrier for some. At Even Esthetics™, your comfort is a priority for me! I offer different choices for pain control during lip filler:

Numbing Cream: For the vast majority of my clients, numbing cream is all they need! I use a very strong topical gel which I have compounded in a pharmacy just for this reason. It is incredibly effective and allows my clients to have a comfortable experience receiving lip injections. I will apply the numbing cream as soon as you arrive to your appointment and allow it to sit for 20-30 minutes before injecting.

Nerve Block: Similar to how the dentist numbs your mouth before filling a cavity, I can inject a numbing medication in the nerves around your mouth. This results in almost a complete numbness of the lips and you will feel very little to nothing. While I do offer this, I prefer to avoid nerve blocks if possible because you will be so numb that you may inadvertently bite/chew on your newly injected lip!

Distraction: I have a fun tool which I lovingly refer to as my “vibrator” (above the waist only haha!). This vibration tool can be held by you in an area near where I’m injecting and the vibration sensation tricks your nerves into not concentrating on the actual injections. There are studies showing this is just as effective as numbing cream, but I combine the two to give you the most comfortable experience!

Ice: We can also use ice during the procedure to decrease your pain. I sometimes use a very powerful “ice stick” to numb areas which are more tender.

While my focus is on your safety and comfort, I won’t promise that the procedure is completely painless. Everyone has a different pain tolerance, and I try to meet you at yours to ensure a positive experience. But at the end of the day, we are injecting a very sensitive area of the face so some discomfort is inevitable. The vast majority of my clients tell me “it wasn’t that bad” once I’m done, and by then you are so excited about your new lips that you have already forgotten about the few minutes of discomfort!

3. What is the recovery like? Will I bruise?

Downtime is definitely a consideration when planning to get lip filler. I tell my clients to plan for about 3-5 days of swelling. The day of your injections and the day after, you will be pretty swollen, so keep that in mind when scheduling. And you WILL have bruising! Bruising is a normal part of the healing process. While I take every precaution to keep bruising to a minimum, the fact is that the lips are a very vascular area and some bruising is inevitable. The bruising is typically mild to moderate, but I do have some unicorn clients out there who do not bruise at all. This is definitely the exception and not the rule though- plan to have some bruising! It is easily covered with a darker lipstick or lip liner.

Your full result will be apparent in 2 weeks, when the swelling and bruising have resolved and the filler is fully integrated with your lip tissue. For some clients, this integration process can take a bit longer. For this reason I do not recommend lip injections within 4 weeks of a major event!

Other considerations include: avoid working out the day after injections, sleeping propped up on a few pillows to reduce swelling, avoid sucking on straws, and no chiropractor or massage for a day or two after getting filler!

4. How long does it last? Will I look weird when the filler wears off?

Generally, lip filler lasts anywhere from 6- 12 months. You might be thinking that is a wide range, and it is! There are quite a few factors which determine how long your filler will last: your metabolism, the type of filler used, how much you move the area, and if you have any other filler in the area.

Lip filler is made of a gel like substance called hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body, and our bodies naturally make enzymes which break this down over time. As your body naturally breaks down the filler, your lips will gradually return to where they started. Some clients worry that their lips will look loose/saggy once the filler wears off, but this is not the case! Because the filler breaks down gradually, the tissue contracts back to it’s normal size. The exception could be a client who receives multiple (usually 3+) syringes of filler in a short period of time. This is another reason why I encourage a natural look and a slow approach to building lips.

On average, most of my clients come in every 9-12 months for another filler treatment and to keep their lips looking perfect! 

5. What are the risks of getting lip filler?

When considering any medical procedure, it is vital that you understand the risks. I go over the risks of filler in great detail during the consent process, but I’d like to mention some of the risks here to give you a better understanding.

The biggest risk of getting filler is the possibility of vascular occlusion which can lead to loss of tissue, blindness, or stroke. WHOA! While the lips are a “safe-ER” area for injecting, there is no area which is truly safe which is why I take filler so seriously. First, I have a significant amount of the antidote on hand to reverse any potential complication that could arise. I have specific protocols based on the most current research on how to manage these complications. I never stop training for this situation! I am also one of the first injectors in this area to utilize ultrasound as a tool to improve outcomes for my clients.

Another potential risk is the possibility of filler migration. When we put filler in a highly mobile area such as the lips, there is always the possibility that it could move from where we intend it to stay. This can contribute to a ducky appearance over time, or that “fullness” above the upper lip. I use specific injection techniques to avoid filler migration, and choose fillers which are specifically designed for the lip area. But even with all of these precautions, migration is still a possibility. Luckily, I can evaluate the area with ultrasound to directly visualize and ensure we are really seeing migrated filler. I can then inject the antidote to dissolve the filler and allow the tissue to return to normal!

6. I’ve heard about a lip flip, should I try that first?

I have many clients who really enjoy the lip flip, but it is important to understand that a lip flip is not an “into” to lip filler! The lip flip is a technique in which the injector places a small amount of botulinum toxin into the lip border to allow it to roll up and expose more of the red part of the lip. The results typically last about 6 weeks and are highly variable. One side effect to the lip flip is the potential for having difficulty to drink out of a straw because that muscle becomes relaxed.

Lip filler is much more precise and provides a longer lasting result with more predictable outcomes. If you want fuller lips or a more defined shape, skip the lip flip and go for filler!

7. OK, I think I’m ready - how do I pick the best aesthetic injector for me?

Choosing your aesthetic injector is the most important decision you can make when considering lip filler! You should look for an experienced injector and the following:

A specific safety plan: The injector you choose should be able to speak to their safety protocol and have an ample amount of the un-expired antidote onsite when the inject. This is a non-negotiable! Nobody should be injecting filler without this antidote, and don’t assume that they have it. Keep yourself safe by asking! A qualified injector will be able to explain how they handle different filler complications and should speak freely about these.

Examples of their work:  A picture is worth a thousand words…  Once you make sure that you are in safe hands, make sure that the injector’s work matches the outcome you are looking for. If you are looking for a subtle and natural result, don’t choose an injector who features a “glam” or over-the-top lip. I’ve included a link too my IG page below so you can get a feel for my overall style, and what my lip outcomes look like.

Cost: GOTCHA! While I know cost is important and nobody wants to over-spend, your face is not a thing to bargain shop. If you are finding bargain lip fillers, pause and review the 2 points above. It is not worth a few dollars in savings to sacrifice your safety or the aesthetic outcome. Keep this in mind when being tempted by deals: it costs a heck of a lot more for me to fix poor work! If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Remember, you are not paying for a syringe of filler, you are paying for a highly trained medical expert to inject the syringe of filler. If you’d like more info on the cost of getting lip filler at Even Esthetics™, please reach out and I’d be happy to provide you with a quote!

I hope this blog has helped to clear up some of the misconceptions and questions surrounding lip injections! I’m always available to answer any additional questions you may have, and you can even come in for an in-person consult to go more in depth about the type of filler you are considering. If you are ready to take the plunge for the lips of your dreams, you can book a filler consult and service here!

Check out my Instagram page @evenesthetics for lots of Before & After pictures!


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